Art Basel Full Moon Party at the Nautilus Hotel Beach

Art Basel Full Moon Party at the Nautilus Hotel Beachside tent and beach by French & Famous

Without any doubt one of the best parties of Art Basel 2017! Great DJs and drummers, Amazing performers, painter and fire shows for an exclusive night on the beach! Special thanks to our partners: the Nautilus Hotel (Pop-Up tent and Beach), Champagne Taittinger Rosé, Soundtuary Secret Society, Philson Art and Eva Luna and to our DJs: Lemurian, Apache, Miichii, Enzo Garoche, Manumat.

Virginia Key Beach Park Goes Virtual

The return of the “new normal” activities, we are reminded of its impact that has forever changed daily activities. As such, the Historic Virginia Key Beach Park (HVKBP) has launched an all new multi-media interactive Virtual App. As you stroll through the sands of the beach or from the comfort of your home, you can listen to the lively and colorful stories of this unique Once “Colored Only” Beach.

Full Moon Beach Drum Circle

Every full moon and full moon eve throughout the year a large group gathers after sunset on the beach at 79th and Collins to partake in a full on drum circle. Bring your drum or other portable percussion instrument or glow in the dark hula hoop and come ready to party. The party starts to get busy closer to 11pm and then moves a few blocks north after midnight. No experience required, just good vibes and an energetic spirit. Check their Facebook group for periodic updates.

Miami Beach

Miami Beach holds a farmers market every Sunday which is great. If you want an enhanced experience attend on one of the monthly Sundays from October to May when the Antique Market is being held. You can grab fruits, veggies, an empanada and a Soursop juice as well as a vintage Louis Vuitton bag, cameo pin or African wooden sculpture. Bargain with the vendors for the best prices and enjoy window shopping as all of the mall stores are open as well. Stop by and say hi to the man selling the crystals that is a teacher in Jamaica.